DISC, according to its website, “is the original, oldest, most valuable, and reliable personal assessment used by over 50 million people to improve lives, interpersonal relationships, work productivity, teamwork and communication”.

This Personality behavioral model looks at one’s behavior based on their personality and the situations they find themselves in.

It is a four-quadrant model based on high or low dominance of four primary behavioral elements:

  • Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness. High dominance people are direct and decisive, tend to be independent and results driven. They are strong-willed and enjoy challenges, taking action and want immediate results. They are bottom line focused.

  • Influence – relating to social situations and communication. High influence people are outgoing and optimistic. They are outgoing and prefer participating on teams, sharing thoughts and thrive on entertaining and energizing others.

  • Steadiness – relating to patience, persistence and thoughtfulness. High steadiness people like stability and the status quo. They tend to be team players, are supportive, cooperative and helpful to others. They prefer being behind the scenes, working in consistent and predictable ways. They make great listeners and will avoid change and conflict.

  • Conscientiousness – relating to structure and organization. High conscientiousness people are cautious. They are often focused on details and quality, plan ahead, constantly check for accuracy and want to know “how” and “why”.

The model below shows how people with the D, I, S or C behavioral styles respond in work environments and/or situations they find favorable or unfavorable – the favorability being based on their styles.

DISC diagram

Where is This Assessment Available?

I would advise you to “Google” DISC Assessment and do some comparison shopping. The Assessment is widely available so you might make your choice based on how extensively the results are interpreted. Generally, the cost of the assessment is moderate.

Again, check with your Human Resources department to see if the this assessment - and personality style tools - are available through your company before you put money in your own budget for them.